Small But Important Details to Consider When Buying a Shower Screen
A shower screen is a good choice for any bathroom, but especially for smaller spaces that may get crowded and cut off by a shower curtain. Shower screens are also good for bathrooms with an awkward layout, as an oddly shaped shower enclosure may not be able to easily accommodate a shower curtain rod. Because shower screens come in a wide variety of glass styles and thicknesses, you might note a few small but important details to consider when buying such a screen, so you know you'll get the right one for your home.
Balance issues
If you or anyone in the home has balance or coordination issues, choose a fixed shower screen. This is a section of glass that is attached to the wall and floor, or to the edge of the tub, and which doesn't move. It's also good to opt for the thickest glass you can afford and can have installed in your space. A fixed screen will ensure that the glass stays secure if someone should grab it for balance or to keep themselves from falling. A pivot door with a hinge may simply get pushed open or closed and not stop a fall, or even be difficult to move for someone with balance issues.
Hard water
If your home has hard water, consider frosted or etched glass. Etched glass will have an etching in the surface that might resemble rainwater, or it might be in a particular design, such as a crane in a pond. Frosted or etched glass will be more likely to hide hard water stains than clear glass, which might show spots and stains after every shower.
Design or pattern
While frosted or etched glass can hide hard water stains, you want to be careful about a design or pattern that might not fit with the rest of the bathroom. For example, if the bathroom has wallpaper with seashells on it, an etching of a tree or mountain may seem out of place. Geometric shapes can be very neutral, but if the bathroom has lots of square tile, rounded shapes on the glass might also clash.
Also, adding smaller frames around a large sheet of glass can help to break up the look and keep the glass from seeming dull and boring, but use caution in deciding how much framing to add, especially in smaller spaces. The glass can soon look crowded and cluttered, especially if the bathroom already has small tiles that fill up the space.